Raven Supply has secured the boiler supply contract for Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital with heating contractor West Kootenay Mechanical. This retrofit project is engineered by top-tier global design firm Stantec.

Located in Trail, BC, between Grand Forks and Nelson, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital provides core physician specialties, 24 hour emergency and trauma services, Level 2 laboratory, acute and obstetrical care, psychiatry, and chemotherapy services for the West Kootenay region, covering Kettle Valley, east of Castlegar through to Nelson.
We will be supplying a Bryan RV700 high pressure steam boiler with a Weishaupt WM-G20/3-ZM High Efficiency Gas Burner. The reliability and efficiency of the burner is imperative for the Interior Health Authority on a project in such a remote area. The Weishaupt linkageless burners are virtually service free after being commissioned. Additionally, Bryan boilers are known for their long lasting, fully field serviceable units which allow any contractor to remove and replace boiler tubes with ease.
Due to the tight installation required for these particular units, the boilers will be shipped as “knock down” boilers, directly from the Bryan Steam Facility in Peru, Indiana. While the section block will be fully assembled, all of the trim and jackets will be left off and assembled on site. Raven Supply will be flying a technician along with Raven’s Project Engineer Linna Luu and Inside Sales Engineer Merinda Widmer to supervise the disassembly of these units to ensure the project continues smoothly once these units are on site.
We are looking forward to working with Stantec and Interior Health on another fantastic project.